Solid Food app

Instructions for the Solid Food app.

How to access reading plans and articles?

Press the three lines at the top left hand corner to open the main menu. Press “Plans” at the main menu. At the Plan page, select the desired reading plan by pressing “Start“. That will serve up the Daily Reading page.

Once you start a certain reading plan, it marks the first article with the current date. And the next article with the date of the next day and so on. You can also set up daily reminders  to read the articles at the Settings page.

How to access the latest article?

Slide open the main menu and select “Just In“. If a new article is available for download, a flag indicator will appear at the top right hand corner. Pressing the flag will download the new article.

How to immediately serve up the latest devotion article whenever you launch the app?

How to immediately serve up a certain reading plan whenever you launch the app?

After you have started on a reading plan, you can configure the app to always serve up your preferred reading plan whenever you launch the app.

First, go to Plans page and select a reading plan (say Gospel of John) by pressing “Plans Feed“.

Now, go to Settings page and set “Plans Feed” as your default homepage. Tick the box at “Hide Language Selection at Start Up“.

How to mark an article as read?

How to keep your reading plans updated with the latest articles?

How to search for articles at a glance?

The Feed Calendar page serves up a list of articles. You can access individual articles from here.

How to mark articles as favourites?

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