1 Timothy 2:9-15 Putting aside our judgments and bring out the best in one another

1 Timothy 2:9-15

Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, 10 but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness. 11 A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. 12 But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. 13 For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. 15 But women will be restored* through the bearing of children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self- restraint.

* NASB uses the term preserved. Restored is the closer translation to the original Greek term soxo which is usually translated as to save. 


Paul touches a sensitive subject on women’s role in the church. With creation and the fall of humanity as background, Paul lays out guidelines concerning the woman’s place in church leadership. Because men are by design leaders, and women helpers, it is only natural that more men than women are in leadership positions. Although the folly of Eve has severely handicapped the psyche of women causing men to rule over them. The woman’s role in bringing forth the Christ Child has forever broken men’s “domineer” over women and restores her full capacity as the helper. Today’s devotion encourages both men and women not to allow their past follies, their culture, or people’s judgments to hinder them from fulfilling their calling. Believers must put aside past follies, culture or gender biases and to bring out the best in one another.


Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing… but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness.

Paul observes a disturbing trend among the women of his time particularly in the churches that Timothy oversees. When form seeks occasion to overtake substance, He calls women to project an image of godliness; love, humility, and purity as opposed to glitter and sensuality. He sets guidelines: “Proper” (cosmios) as in “proper clothing” connotes characteristics or qualities that evoke admiration, high regard and approval. The descriptions: “Modestly” (aidous) connotes the virtue of reverence towards the holy God; “Discreetly” (sofrosyne) connotes soundness of mind or reasonableness and the practice of prudence and self-control.

The point is in accentuating the inner beauty and the virtues of Christ through sensible dressing. However, in no way should godly fashion sense be shoddy, for the flowers of the fields attest to the asthetic tendencies of God. Nevertheless, Paul suggests a better way to glorify God, that is by means of good works. In other words, believers should put more effort into serving others as opposed to packaging themselves.

But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet… For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve.

Paul advises prudence when it comes to appointing leaders within the church by virtue of the fact that men by design make better leaders. He substantiates it by citing Adam as the firstborn of creation: For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. That is by no means to say that women cannot take on prominent roles. Even though a woman is by design a weaker gender physically, we know of many women athletes who surpass the physical capabilities of men. In fact, many women make excellent leaders possessing both sensitivity and decisiveness. Hence, when it comes to considering a woman for leadership, the ultimate deciding factor is the individual’s competency and character; each person must stand by his/her own merit regardless of gender. However, as a consequence of Eve’s role in the fall of humanity, and by original design, we do see more leaders who are men than women.

Paul’s stand in not allowing women to teach relates to the issue of authority – that men by design make better leaders and hence teachers. However, the elements and challenges of leadership in the days of Paul are unique given the fact that the biblical canon is still incomplete and the church is still establishing her doctrines and standing in the society. Hence, it should not be hard to see why Paul prefers to err on the safe side by insisting on male leadership within the church.

Today’s church has little to none of the challenges that Paul had in his days. As the biblical canon has since been completed, teachers rely entirely on the authority inherent in the inspired word of God. Nevertheless, every man and woman who aspires to leadership must stand on his/her own merits in regards to his/her competency and character.

But women will be restored through the bearing of children.

By divine appointment, Eve’s role as helper to Adam does not in any way diminishes her glory before her Maker. She is not lesser than the male gender but equal, as joint heirs in God’s kingdom. She is not subservient to men, but one who is called to step up to the plate should the men falter. However, Eve’s folly that contributed to the fall of the human race, has since altered her psyche and her relationship with the man. After the fall, the woman is no longer that independent and perfect helper she is meant to be. Her psyche is consequently altered and she has since been emotionally reliant on the man: and he will rule over her (see Genesis 3:16). Nevertheless, men’s “domineer” over women is the result of sin (due to Eve’s folly), a flawed relationship that needed restoration. Nevertheless, God has restored humanity through the Seed of woman, which is Christ (see Genesis 3:15). It is through the birth of the Christ Child that women are redeemed, and restored to her calling as the perfect helper without which no man can succeed. Mary has vicariously broken men’s “domineer” over women through the bearing of the Child. Therefore, if women raise up the next generation of men (by bearing of children) who will bring forth salvation to the world, there is no reason why they should let men rule over them.

One thing is clear from Paul’s teaching: the woman’s restoration to her original design and capacity as men’s equal will come from her life of continual faith and love and sanctity with self- restraint. Women regardless of society’s perception of her can be all that she desires to be and attain the glory of Christ if she puts her heart and mind to it.


In God’s kingdom, the posture of the heart is more prominent than outward appearance.

Why are people so obsessed with the outward appearance? Because it drives public opinion quickly and efficiently. Moreover, it shields one’s weaknesses from public eye and presents a favourable image of oneself. One’s dressing and mannerism are a statement of one’s innate qualities and values, it is not a projection of someone that you are not. Nevertheless, God judges a person’s heart, his outward appearance has no bearing on God’s judgment. Likewise, God’s values system is evident through the culture of His kingdom, for He exalts one whose heart is pure regardless of his appearance or mass appeal. Therefore, Paul appeals to women to express the glory of God by means of good works and through a life of faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint.

Having said that, the innate beauty of God’s children is shown through their readiness to accept those who are different while remaining steadfast in the truth. What is cherished and treasured in God’s kingdom is not the appearance of wealth and elegance but a heart that empathises with the poor and marginalised. The prophet Isaiah describes the appearance of Jesus,

For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot,
And like a root out of parched ground;
He has no stately form or majesty
That we should look upon Him,
Nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him.
He was despised and forsaken of men. Isaiah 53:2-3a

Jesus grows up as an ordinary child, having no stately form or majesty that is particularly appealing. Yet, we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14). Jesus’ perfection is displayed through His sacrificial love and obedience on the cross. And Jesus’ resurrection and elevation to God’s righthand is the unmistakable sign of God’s approval. Perhaps, what is innate will ultimately be displayed in the outward form through the glory of the resurrection body. Depending on the posture of each person’s heart and his virtues, he will receive a body of a peculiar glory. Paul explains the peculiar glory of each person,

There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for star differs from star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead. 1 Corinthians 15:41-42

Therefore, since there remains a resurrection body that we must attain, let us be diligent in pursuing true inner beauty that is both glorious and eternal.

We must not allow our past, culture or people’s perception of us hinder us from accomplishing our calling.

Even though humanity is still reeling from the folly of Eve, the birth of the Christ Child has forever restored every woman to her full capacity to accomplish her calling. Therefore, having this understanding, no believer should allow his/her past, culture or people’s perception hinder his/her progress towards success. Some cultures are biased against women, and some have inherent caste systems which must be summarily rejected. There are also people in our midst who secretly want to see us fail. And there are those who could not look pass our failures, who constantly remind us of our follies. For these, we must keep them at bay and never give them the opportunity to poison our minds with their envy and self-righteousness.

Therefore, God’s people must act according to kingdom’s culture and not according to the ways of this world. Realising that the shame of humanity’s sins have been shifted onto Jesus, by not forgiving ourselves or others is tantamount to denying the redeeming work of Christ. If the apostles of Jerusalem have not accepted Paul as an apostle with full knowledge of his past, Christendom would not have come so far.

Therefore, God’s people must learn to believe in one another and to bring out the best in each regardless of their past, gender or race, age, religion or nationality. God harbours no biases and chooses to fill all peoples with His Spirit regardless of their social status, gender or age,

‘And it shall be in the last days,’ God says,
‘That I will pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind;
And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
And your young men shall see visions,
And your old men shall dream dreams;
Even on My bondslaves, both men and women,
I will in those days pour forth of My Spirit
And they shall prophesy.’ Acts 2:17-18

If the Spirit of God so chooses to fill a person, who are we to judge? But to love those whom God has loved and honour those whom God has honoured.


Are you accustomed to judging people by their outward appearances? Even if you can mostly judge a book by its cover, or a person by appearance, it does not help in bringing out the best in them. If we judge people, we lose precious opportunities to cultivate their inner beauty and touch their lives. Jesus, in spite of His moral perfection accepts sinners from all walks of life and is styled as a friend of sinners and tax collectors. Ask God for the ability to accept those who are different and for the grace to speak truth into their lives.

Are you emotionally dependent on another’s approval? And you are not able to stand up on your own? Do not fear! If you stand up for the truth, God will stand with you. If you have raised up a generation who will bring salvation to the world, why should you be beholden to men?

Dear Lord, I desire the virtues of Jesus and express the beauty of God in all that I am and do. As I put on the servitude, humility and purity of Jesus, use me to bring out the best in others. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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