The Church’s Rise Must Result in Greater Justice, Mercy and Righteousness

The expansion of God’s kingdom is not driven by self-serving agendas, of power acquisition and nepotism but by the universal love of God. Unfortunately, many religions are weary of the Christian faith because of a few churches who segregated themselves from the community claiming sole possession to what is true and authentic religion. They endeavour to make their minister or ministry successful rather than the gospel of Christ. Consequently, they cause a rift among the people which hinders the spread of the gospel. True and authentic religion according the apostle James is:

To visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

When believers live by the fuller understanding of God’s kingdom, people will not be threatened by our fruitfulness and prosperity (as the Philistines did in Isaac’s days) because they see our willingness to share our possessions with them. The rise of the New Testament church must result in greater justice, mercy and righteousness for all peoples regardless of their race or religion.

Note: words extracted from

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