Being Faithful To God’s Calling With Right Motives


If the fish is judge by it’s ability to climb a tree, the fish will live thinking it is stupid.

God rewards not the high achievers but those who are faithful to their calling. Therefore, God judges our motives as opposed to our level of performance or the kind of work that we are doing. If we stay faithful to God’s calling with the right motives doing what He has instructed and nothing more, and nothing less, we will be duly rewarded. However, if we are selfishly ambitious, even what appears noble and altruistic will not be accepted. There is a disturbing trend among some church circles who see promotion and power as a due reward for godliness. Hence, they look down on those who seem less polished and accomplished.

Let us discern and give honour where honour is due. Let us not seek another office for the wrong reasons but be faithful to the tasks given to us. If you are a homemaker, bring love to all at home by being industrious and meticulous in all your chores. If you are a Sunday School teacher, teach with adequate preparations while remembering and praying for your students during the week. If you are a pastor, seek the good of your flock and serve them with pure motives without being entangled with fame and glamour. If you are a business man, harbour integrity, mercy and justice in all your dealings while actively sowing into God’s kingdom. As Paul taught,

Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. Colossians 3:23-24

Are you looking to climb the social ladder? Do you strive to become more prominent in the eyes of others? God honours and rewards those who are diligent and faithful with His authority, wisdom and favour. Make special efforts to honour those who are less presentable in your organization or church. Change the way you accord value to roles and to people for many will be surprised on the day when God returns. Jesus said, “But many who are first will be last; and the last, first.” Matthew 19:30.

Text extracted from Pastor Gabriel Chong Yew Chan sharing in The SOLID FOOD Devotion –

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