Faith in the Supernatural God


Do you feel a sense of loss concerning God’s direction for your life? Perhaps, you can ask yourself the following 3 questions:

1. Do you desire to walk in God’s perfect will even though it may seem mundane and unglamorous at the onset?

2. Are you accustomed to staying the course, to do the hard work and see to its fulfilment? And..

3. Concerning the supernatural, do you feel ill competent like a fish out of water?

It is likely that you have been entrenched in your past paradigms and your senses have been predominantly steered towards the flesh. There is a difference between faith along the natural and faith along the supernatural (although holistic faith should encompass both). As evident by some who promptly reject prayers for supernatural healing preferring to pray for wisdom for the doctors. Fellowship with believers with holistic faith will encourage you on your journey of faith.

Dear Lord, I desire to sanctify myself and build the foundations of faith, character and competence. Help me to discipline my mind, and my emotions so that I may be focused on the tasks at hand. Help me to gain insights into the supernatural workings of the angels so that I may be more effective in the ministry. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Note : Words extracted from

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