John 7:25-31 A correct doctrinal understanding is essential, but even more pertinent is the righteousness of heart

John 7:25-31 A correct doctrinal understanding is essential, but even more pertinent is the righteousness of heart

So some of the people of Jerusalem were saying, “Is this not the man whom they are seeking to kill? Look, He is speaking publicly, and they are saying nothing to Him. The rulers do not really know that this is the Christ, do they? However, we know where this man is from; but whenever the Christ may come, no one knows where He is from.” Then Jesus cried out in the temple, teaching and saying, “You both know Me and know where I am from; and I have not come of Myself, but He who sent Me is true, whom you do not know. I know Him, because I am from Him, and He sent Me.” So they were seeking to seize Him; and no man laid his hand on Him, because His hour had not yet come. But many of the crowd believed in Him; and they were saying, “When the Christ comes, He will not perform more signs than those which this man has, will He?”


Jesus told His brothers to go ahead into Jerusalem to attend the feast while He awaited the Father’s directive. After some time, Jesus also went up to the feast despite a clear and existential threat to His life. Jesus had determined, that God will protect those who walk in His will. It is surprising that the Jews, despite their heritage and privilege of being stewards of the Law for thousands of years persecuted the Messiah of Israel. The modern church must learn from the error of the Jews in Jesus’s days and not become persecutors of the Christ we worship. Today’s devotion teaches us: A correct doctrinal understanding is essential, but even more pertinent is the righteousness of heart.


So some of the people of Jerusalem were saying, “Is this not the man whom they are seeking to kill?

Jesus’s fearless preaching in public despite knowing the Jews’ plot to kill Him evoked much bewilderment among the people. But what was even more astonishing was the Jews’ inaction in the face of such an opportunity. For they had tried all means to track down Jesus’s whereabouts. The people in Jerusalem who were familiar with the schemes of the Jerusalem authorities were asking questions and evoking discussions openly. A probable explanation would be that the Jews had already come to a conclusion (at least in private) that Jesus is really the Christ (The rulers do not really know that this is the Christ, do they?)

However, we know where this man is from; but whenever the Christ may come, no one knows where He is from.”

The people of Jerusalem held the view that the Christ would be born of a woman and remain hidden until a time when He appeared to redeem Israel. This view is a erroneous derivative of Jewish apocalyptic traditions… where Jesus later clarified in a warning against deception by false prophets and their demonic signs (see Matthew 24:26-27, Mark 13:21-22, Luke 17:23-24). Thus, it is not true that Christ would remain hidden as He had now publicly acknowledged that He is the Christ. If Christ is indeed hidden, He is veiled by the unbelief of men. They knew Jesus came from Nazareth, whose family was residing in Capernaum and He had been ministering itinerantly for some time. But they did not really know Jesus’s true identity and divine origin.

Then Jesus cried out in the temple, teaching and saying, “You both know Me and know where I am from…”

Jesus told the people of His true origin, “… but He who sent Me is true, whom you do not know. I know Him, because I am from Him, and He sent Me.” The root cause of Israel’s unbelief is their ignorance of “He” who sent Me. The Jews, having prided themselves in knowing the one true God (unlike the pagans), did not actually know Him. Else they would not have persecuted Jesus. Despite their heritage and privilege of being stewards of the Law for thousands of years did not understand the prime purpose of the law; which is to reveal Christ (see John 5:46). Indeed, the Jews in rejecting Jesus have in the same breath rejected God who gave the law.

But many of the crowd believed in Him…

Some of the people who disputed with Jesus tried in vain to apprehend Him. The reason being that his hour had not yet come. Even so, many of the people believed in Him. “… When the Christ comes, He will not perform more signs than those which this man has, will He?” can be interpreted as “Certainly the Christ could not do any more miracles than this Man.” For many have begun to recognise the Man, Jesus as the Redeemer of Israel based on the signs He performed.


A correct doctrinal understanding is important, but even more pertinent is the righteousness of heart.

The Jews in Jesus’s days have shown us that it is possible for those who claim to believe in God, who worship Him regularly to reject Jesus when He appears. The contention between Jesus and the Jews was not due to doctrinal differences. The Jews persecuted Jesus because He exposed their evil and hypocrisy. Against the Pharisees and Scribes He laid down the eight sins and the consequence of eternal destruction (see Matthew 23:13-36):

  • They hinder people from entering the kingdom of heaven.
  • They devour and rob widow’s houses.
  • They mislead people by becoming a bad example.
  • They are filled with greed and trickery.
  • They are only interested in money.
  • They are full of robbery and self-indulgence.
  • They appear outwardly righteous but are inwardly lawless.
  • They are persecutors of prophets and those who speak the truth.

If our churches continue to dwell in immorality, we reject the Christ we worship and will likewise face the sentence of hell. The modern church has placed great emphasis on doctrinal correctness looking at the great variety of Bible study programmes we have. But we have done very little to sanctify our members from their sinful habits and attitudes. A correct doctrinal understanding is essential, but what is most pertinent to God is the righteousness of heart. Jesus spent most of His time teaching and sanctifying the people from evil as opposed to just correcting their doctrinal understanding. While the Pharisees are experts in splitting hairs in the letter of the law, Jesus always points the people to the spirit and application of the law.

The gospel message must be spoken clearly in order to produce true disciples of Christ.

The gospel, to be effective in producing faith for salvation must be presented comprehensively and clearly. Jesus could not be clearer when He said, “He who sent Me is true, whom you do not know. I know Him, because I am from Him, and He sent Me.” Many prefer a practical approach by touting God’s blessings through testimonies instead of a forthright presentation of the gospel message and the need for repentance. It is important to know that the Holy Spirit will convict one of sin when all elements of the gospel are in place. A full gospel message without worldly embellishment produces true disciples. Testimonies can truly be helpful if paired with a full presentation of the gospel that leads to repentance. When preaching the gospel, it is important to discern if the hearer truly wants to know God and become a better person? If he has a desire to know God, he will naturally recognise Jesus as the Saviour and Lord. Hence, we need not “hard sell” the gospel by discrediting other religions or using by blessings as a lure. But as we bear the fruit (joy, peace and love) of the gospel, people around us will come to experience the miracles and receive Christ as Lord.

God protects those who walk in His will.

Jesus was not concerned about His safety. He was solely concerned with the Father’s directive and timing. For one who walks in God’s will, there is safety no matter where he goes. Our security is not subject to our physical circumstances but to the protective presence of God. When we walk faithfully according to God’s directive, God is with us, and no one has the power to hurt us. Even if we experience loss, God will restore in good time. Hence, we do not fear retrenchment, sickness or disasters for God is with us. In the process of discerning God’s will, what we must strive for is clarity instead of rationality. For God’s ways will often appear irrational or unconventional at the onset.


Practice speaking the gospel clearly:

“Humanity is heading towards destruction because of the sins of hatred, selfishness, pride, envy and lust. God seemed far away because we have lived in sin and unable to break free. But God desires to save us from destruction. He sent Jesus to destroy the bondage of sin that resided in us. But evil men condemned Him on the cross because He exposed their sins. When God was about to destroy them because they have crucified the Son of righteousness, Jesus prayed to God to forgive them. Jesus, in choosing to forgive spared humanity of eternal condemnation. After three days, God resurrected Jesus from the dead because of Jesus’s virtues of love towards His persecutors. From henceforth, God answered Jesus’s prayer by forgiving the sins of all who follow Him. For all who believe are called the sons of God whose curses of sickness, poverty and sin are broken forever.”

Do not be afraid to speak the truth for the sake of mercy and justice. We must speak the truth to defend those who cannot protect themselves. For you are the mouthpiece of God called to preserve justice and mercy in the family and the workplace. Speak the truth humbly and succinctly by highlighting the long-term benefits of righteous behaviour and consequences of evil. In so doing, you promote a culture of righteousness, trust and mutual respect in the family and the workplace.

Are you repulsed whenever you’re corrected? Or when your private life is being examined? If you do, you will probably reject Christ when He speaks. Give your leaders permission to speak into your life to uncover the blind spots. In so doing, the right doctrine will lead to a transformation of heart towards righteousness.

Dear Lord, help me to preach the gospel passionately and clearly regardless of how the message is being received. Help me preach it with kindness and humility. Use me in all circumstances to stand up for those who are weak. Use me to uphold justice and mercy in the family and the workplace. To protect me from the attacks of the evil one. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

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