Hebrews 2:5-8 Reinstating humanity in dominion over creation
Hebrews 2:5-8
5 For He did not subject to angels the world to come, concerning which we are speaking. 6 But one has testified somewhere, saying,
“What is man, that You remember him? Or the son of man, that You are concerned about him? 7 You have made him for a little while lower than the angels; You have crowned him with glory and honor, and have appointed him over the works of Your hands; 8 You have put all things in subjection under his feet.”
For in subjecting all things to him, He left nothing that is not subject to him. But now we do not yet see all things subjected to him.
This section is almost entirely lifted from Psalm 8:4-6 which speaks of God’s reinstatement of men’s original calling to rule over creation. Even as men appear unworthy and incompetent in his sin, God is merciful to reinstate men in glory and universal dominion. In today’s passage, we learn about the importance of understanding our calling and to remain faithful to the responsibilities that God has entrusted. As believers grow in the virtues of Christ, God will in due time exalt us to positions of influence and dominion. In Christ, God is restoring men from being slaves to darkness to become rulers over God’s creation.
For He did not subject to angels the world to come.
God has never intended to subject creation to the dominion of angels, but the sons of God will be appointed to rule “the world to come”. However, when the psalmist considers God’s ways, he wonders why God appoints men to rule despite his corruptness and incompetency. The psalmist observes and finds in absolute terms nothing in men that merits God’s remembrance or solicitousness.
You have made him for a little while lower than the angels.
It appears that God has for a little while made men lower in status, poorer and with less authority than the angels. Hence, we see humanity being helplessly subjected to the physical elements, and having no authority over the angels. In fact, human poverty and suffering has become more prevalent than ever with evil gaining ground in many parts of the world. The current state of affairs in the world is the result of men’s own undoing. Yet, in the mire of men’s corruptness and well-deserved retribution God crowned him with glory and honor, the glory that was formerly lost because of disobedience. In other words, God in His mercy has reinstated men in his calling to rule creation with Him. The quote from Psalm 8 goes so far as to infer men’s universal dominion over creation: For in subjecting all things to him, He left nothing that is not subject to him. The psalmist declares that the whole universe apart from God Himself is subjected to the dominion of men. By that, God has effectively given men dominance over all living things, including the angels, things on earth and things in heaven.
But now we do not yet see all things subjected to him.
Even as God has reinstated men in universal dominion, the current reality does not seem so. Even as we observe in the Old Testament the likes of Moses and Elijah taking dominion over the physical elements, they were still subjected to the powers of death in the world; the dominion of men is yet ubiquitous and complete.
The two most important days of your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why. Knowing the purpose of your existence frees you from a life of self-absorbed boredom to live a life of passion and significance. Most people supposed if they could get a job they really like and earn lots of money, they would find passion and fulfillment. Many however, despite being successful and enriched by their work remain lost and depress. They hit the mid-life crisis at the height of their career feeling more unfulfilled than ever. True passion and fulfillment does not come from having a successful career but from the journey towards our divine calling. God has created and ordained each person for a unique role in His kingdom: (You) have appointed him over the works of Your hands. Hence, the ultimate task of our existence is to find that role and fulfill it. Wealth and status can never give us the satisfaction that our calling can. Thus, it is not too late to start asking God for your calling and work towards it.
Authority and dominion increases as the believer proves himself faithful to the tasks entrusted to him. Personal skills and capabilities come from training; they belong to the natural and they contribute to work efficiency. Authority and favor on the other hand, come from faithfulness and obedience towards God; they belong to the supernatural in impacting the community by transforming its culture towards righteousness. Even as God has reinstated men’s destiny in dominion, we must work towards that destiny by growing in divine wisdom, faith and courage. As the believer proves faithful in the tasks given to him, God will increase his authority and entrust to him greater responsibilities. At the same time, his prayers becomes more effective, and angels are given to his charge. Hence, believers must not compare themselves with others but be faithful in the responsibilities at hand. In due time, God will exalt each believer to higher stations of authority and influence. Even as God reinstates men in dominion, each believer at any time possesses differing scopes of dominion and depth of influence in their respective calling. As the believer increases in maturity and the virtues of Christ, God will exalt him and give him a place of honor and authority. The virtues that contribute to believers’ exaltation are:
- Wisdom. Having a mature understanding of God’s righteous principles, and being able to discern truth from error. To men of wisdom, the Spirit gives insights and revelations to solve difficult problems.
- Faith. Staying faithful to God’s commands and responsibilities that He has entrusted despite obstacles and repeated threats to personal wellbeing. God can use people who are faithful to birth new movements and unprecedented revivals in communities and in the nation.
- Courage. Courage is the willingness to take on tasks much greater than one’s natural capabilities believing that all things are possible to him who depends on God. God can use courageous men in tasks no one has attempted and to do great exploits.
Take time to meet up with your mentor and understand your current growth stage with regards to wisdom, faith and confidence. Set behavioral goals for the next 3 months and hold yourself accountable to your mentor. Be sure to spend time reading the bible and integrate the truths into your life.
Dear Lord, I thank you for reinstating my calling from being a slave to ruler of creation. Help me grow in divine wisdom, faith and confidence. I am open to the disciplines that you may bring into my life. Mold me into the likeness of your Son so that I may fulfill my calling and rule creation with you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.