Hebrews 9:6-14 Cleansing the conscience, igniting the passion to serve God
Hebrews 9:6-14
The priests offered gifts and sacrifices in the holy place repeatedly to cleanse the flesh of worshipers and to spare them of imminent punishment. But, the conscience of the worshipers remained dark and rebellious against the ways of God. However, the offering of Christ’s blood not only cleansed their flesh but also their conscience through which they ignite the passion towards God. At the same time, the worshipers became empowered to discern the devil’s deceptions resisting his temptations to serve the living God.
6 Now when these things have been so prepared, the priests are continually entering the outer tabernacle performing the divine worship, 7 but into the second, only the high priest enters once a year, not without taking blood, which he offers for himself and for the sins of the people committed in ignorance.
The priest entered the outer tabernacle daily carrying the blood of animals as sin offerings. He sprinkled the blood on the veil seven times and put the blood on the altar of the golden incense. This act of divine worship symbolically transferred sin from the individuals into the tabernacle sparing him from imminent punishment. The first covenant promised temporal reprieve from punishment.
Into the second (Holy of Holies), the high priest entered once a year (on the Day of Atonement) and sprinkled blood on the mercy seat. With this act, he made atonement for sins accumulated in the Holy Place because of the impurities of the people (see Leviticus 16:16). However, the blood atonement was effective only for sins committed in ignorance. What were sins not committed in ignorance and that can be atoned for? They were sins that were not repented, and sins that belonged to the category under abomination; human sacrifices to idols, and incessant exploitation of the poor.
8 The Holy Spirit is signifying this, that the way into the holy place has not yet been disclosed while the outer tabernacle is still standing, 9 which is a symbol for the present time. Accordingly both gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot make the worshiper perfect in conscience, 10 since they relate only to food and drink and various washings, regulations for the body imposed until a time of reformation.
The Holy Spirit’s contribution (the Holy Spirit is signifying this) concerning the tabernacle is critical because the Spirit is the vehicle of true worship. The outer tabernacle was the place where daily rituals of atonement were carried out using gifts and sacrifices. Hence, the existence of the outer tabernacle (which includes the courtyard) was evidence that the time (for the ubiquitous work of the Spirit) had not yet come. The sacrifices at the outer tabernacle might spare the people from imminent punishment, but it could not remove the people’s inclinations towards sin: cannot make the worshiper perfect in conscience. Physical washings and rituals might cleanse the physical flesh, but it had no power over the human conscience. The conscience represents the inward faculty of a person that distinguishes right and wrong; it also harbors deep-seated passions and desires. A darkened conscience describes one who is often taken in by deceptions and given to fleshly desires. In order for people to be sanctified by the Spirit, the outer tabernacle (the Holy Place) that stood in the way to the Holy of Holies must first be removed so that they could approach God and meet with Him in the Holy of Holies.
11 But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to come, He entered through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation; 12 and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood, He entered the holy place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption.
The sins accumulated at the Holy Place could not be cleansed at the earthly tabernacle made by human hands and operated by imperfect priests. Christ, the high priest entered a tabernacle that is not of this creation, but that which is greater and more perfect. Christ entered the spiritual Holy Place not with blood of animals, but through His own blood. The blood of Christ had forever put to a stop the necessity for repeated blood offerings, because all sins (committed and yet committed) was forever atoned for, and the people eternally redeemed.
13 For if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling those who have been defiled sanctify for the cleansing of the flesh, 14 how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
The blood of animals which was imperfect and offered through a physical tabernacle was effective in cleansing the physical flesh. But the cleansing effect of Christ’s blood offered through the Holy Spirit goes beyond physical flesh into the conscience of men. The new covenant effected the regeneration of men’s conscience through the cleansing action of the Holy Spirit. Dead works refers to works done out of selfish agenda, not out of love or the fear of God. A corrupted conscience gives rise to dead works, but out of a regenerated conscience flows works of passion and truth. The focus of the old covenant is the cleansing of the flesh, but the focus of the new covenant is the sanctification of men’s conscience igniting passion for the things of God.
The effectiveness of any prayer hinges on God’s favor upon the intercessor. I heard people complained why their prayers did not have the intended effect and sought the prayers of a more effective intercessor? Some believers continue to pray faithfully, while others give up. Nevertheless, the prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effective (see James 5:16). When God favors a man, He answers his prayers. Isaiah spoke of God’s favor on a regenerated people, “It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear” Isaiah 65:24. Hence, we should not focus on the frequency or the technique of prayer but on the posture of our heart. Psalm 5:12 says, “For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O Lord, You surround him with favor as with a shield.” The priests offered sacrifices repeatedly for 1400 years with no effect. But Christ offered up Himself in perfect love resulting in eternal redemption of men. One sacrifice of Christ trumped countless sacrifices of the priests because Christ had full favor with God. God’s favor will come upon those who give their lives unreservedly to love Him and do the Father’s will.
God accepts worship that is expressed through a Spirit-filled life. God is not impressed with gifts and offerings but with a love-filled heart. But God seeks a worshiper who is filled with love, gratitude and in full surrender to God. The author inserted the statement: The Holy Spirit is signifying this, because acceptable worship in the context of a tabernacle must be expressed through a Spirit-filled life. The unceasing sacrifices at the outer tabernacle was evidence that God was not impressed with the gifts and sacrifices offered by the priests because their hearts were not perfect. God seeks worshipers whose hearts are filled with the fruit of the Spirit (see John 4:24), and He pours down His blessings upon them.
Believers must not put their focus on the cleansing of sin, but to obtain Spirit-filled passion by sanctifying their conscience. As believers’ sins were forgiven once for all by Christ, believers can now refocus their gaze on the sanctification of their attitudes towards Christ-likeness and restoration of passion for life. Passion arises from the work of the fruit of the Spirit and the vision of the Spirit. Many churchgoers have no passion for God, for His Word or His works. However, they are afraid to lose God’s provision and protection over them should they stop going to church. They were pinned down by fear, emptiness and the pleasures of the flesh. Such churchgoers seek the cleansing of the flesh, but not the conscience. Hence, they are constantly fearful of the consequences their sinful acts or decisions may bring. Some even continued with their wanton lives without gratitude nor desire to serve God or others.
Through Christ, believers were given permanent, and lifetime forgiveness of their sins. The old covenant sought to cleanse the flesh (through the blood of animals) so that they might not face imminent punishment. But the new covenant seeks to regenerate men’s hearts and conscience (through Christ’s blood) so that they may serve the living God. The cleansing of the conscience is synonymous to the filling of the Holy Spirit igniting new passion for life.
- Concerning your personal needs, make it a habit not to keep repeating your prayer requests but to trust that God is actively working on your problem. Instead, focus on hearing and understanding what God wants you to do. Also focus on being kind and considerate, putting the interests of others before your own. Enduring breakthrough and peace come when you know the will of God and accomplish it on a daily basis.
- Do you lack passion when you worship God, read the Word, or spread the gospel to others? Perhaps, it is time to open your heart and let God sanctify your conscience with His Spirit. Seek to understand God’s vision for your life, and let Him direct your path on a daily basis. Passion will soon return in peace, joy and power of the Spirit.
Dear Lord, I thank you for your perfect love towards me. As I open my heart, let your Spirit sanctify my conscience so that I may serve you with passion and diligence. Speak to me and show me the way that I should go. I trust that in your time, you will solve my problems and bless my family. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.