Revelation 15:2-4b Our lives should not be driven by the allure of rewards, but by Christ.
Revelation 15:2-4b
And I saw something like a sea of glass mixed with fire, and those who had been victorious over the beast and his image and the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, holding harps of God. And they sang the song of Moses, the bond-servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying,
“Great and marvelous are Your works,
O Lord God, the Almighty;
Righteous and true are Your ways,
King of the nations!
“Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify Your name?
For You alone are holy;
For all the nations will come and worship before You… ”
This passage depicts the moment of the saints’ rapture. They are those who remain gracious and true resisting the temptation of evil and the dominion of the beast. That said, their mission is far from complete, as many will be dispatched to carry on the work of the great commission across all of creation. Today’s devotion reminds us that our lives should not be driven by the allure of rewards, but by Christ.
A summary of events detailed in Revelation 6 through 15.
Following Jesus’ ascension into heaven, He commenced the implementation of His designs aimed at realising His vision of a new heaven and a new earth. These designs are documented in the seven segments sealed with seven seals. As each seal is progressively broken, the plans and events within these segments are revealed. The events detailed in the first through the fifth segments serve a singular objective: to equip the righteous for governance from heaven. Nevertheless, the events found in the sixth and seventh books hold particular significance.
– The 6th segment
Upon the breaking of the sixth seal, the Lord categorises the righteous into two distinct groups: the 144,000 and the chosen saints. The first group, comprising the 144,000, is tasked with continuing their ministry to humanity on earth. The Lord bestows upon them a protective seal, ensuring that they remain unharmed by any means (7:3-8). In contrast, the second group, the chosen saints, is taken up into His kingdom (7:9-17). In this realm, they receive spiritual bodies and are assigned to various roles throughout creation. Nevertheless, some will be dispatched to earth as “witnesses” to protect, to prophesy and to minister to the people (11:3-6). These witnesses, however, will face intense oppositions, and many will ultimately be killed.
– The 7th segment
When the seventh seal breaks, a revival will occur among those in pursuit of truth (11:1) as the Lord assembles them for the rapture (see 7:9). Nevertheless, the persecution faced by the righteous will escalate (11:2). A state of rampant lawlessness will prevail among the populace, accompanied by corruption within governmental structures. Plagues and calamities, each more severe than the last, will act as warnings of the impending destruction of the wicked. Yet, despite these disasters, those who survive do not turn away from their malevolent ways.
The Lord initiates the fulfilment of His covenant to cleanse creation of evil (11:19). This is accomplished by casting Satan down to the earth, allowing men and women appointed to judge to destroy him (12:11). At this moment, Satan becomes aware that his time is nearly at an end. The beast declares himself the saviour of the people, performing deceptive signs and wonders (13:13). Countries that form alliances with him will find themselves subject to his influence and governance. As a result, numerous individuals from these nations, including their religious institutions, will submit to his leadership. (13:7). He creates a trade network among these nations, and those who do not comply with his rule will be barred from vital resources (13:16-17). However, God will protect those who stand against the beast, even in the face of the imminent danger of death.
Then, it is time to gather up the members of the 144,000 who have stayed faithful to God (14:1). Those who have become true followers of God are also gathered and taken up into God’s kingdom (15:2). Following this, seven angels initiate the process of unleashing the seven bowls containing the wrath of God upon the earth (16:1).
The sea of glass features prominently in the throne scene (4:6), accompanied by rivers of fire that emanate from the throne (Daniel 7:10). It is evident that those who are “standing on the sea of glass” have ascended from the earth. This imagery evokes the first rapture, where “a great multitude… standing before the throne” (7:9). These individuals have triumphed over the beast, for they have stayed faithful to God and to their fellow men. And they have also successfully resisted the beast’s dominion and the temptation of receiving his mark. Consequently, they have attained the authority to judge Satan and to bring an end to his kingdom.
The opening line, “Great and marvellous are Your works,” extols God for His creation and eventual redemption of the new heavens and a new earth. Moses was given the mandate to establish God’s rule over the earth (Exodus 19:5-6). Following this, Christ received the mission to redeem and preside over all of creation (Colossians 1:20).
The subsequent lines, “O Lord God, the Almighty; Righteous and true are Your ways, King of the nations!” celebrates God’s sovereignty and righteousness. Indeed, He rules not only with supreme authority, but also with unwavering grace and truth.
In the concluding lines, “King of the nations! Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy…”, the saints proclaim His rightful place as the King of all nations. Who among the nations would not revere Him as King of kings? Truly, the only way by which all of creation can thrive in righteousness and harmony is through the worship of the one true God.
Finally, the phrase “For all the nations will come and worship before You,” encapsulates the essence of the Great Commission. Here, worship transcends mere submission to a higher authority; it represents a deep-seated love for God and for people. The aim of the Great Commission is not to compel individuals to convert to a particular religion but to promote righteousness and harmony among the “nations.” In this instance, “nations” refers to diverse “races,” including those on Earth and potentially those from other worlds. It is clear that the work of the Great Commission remains unfinished, as a significant portion of the “nations” continues to do evil. And there is still much to be done.
Our lives should not be driven by the allure of rewards, but by Christ.
A reward is something that is given in return for good done. For example, the police offered a reward for the apprehension of a criminal. Additionally, a reward can serve as a motivator, reinforcing a desired behaviour when provided. However, if one is predominantly motivated by the prospect of reward, if one keeps asking the question, “What’s in it for me?”, then there is no love or truth in him.
Many individuals today pursue heaven as a personal benefit and a means to evade suffering and divine punishment. The disciples of Jesus exemplify this, as they approached Him with a daring request. In recognition of their dedication, they sought to be granted a position of honour and authority in heaven. Jesus responded,
“You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them,… whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did come not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:27-28.
What Jesus was saying is… Heaven is not reserved for those who seek to be rewarded for the good they do. For a person motivated by the prospect of reward should not be entrusted with authority, as they may eventually dominate the populace, claiming, “Because I have done these for you, you ought to repay me.” In fact, the followers of Christ should not be motivated by the prospect of rewards, but rather by love and truth.
The saints that John observed standing upon a sea of glass were there not for the allure of reward, but rather due to their steadfast dedication to the truth. While they are aware of the crown that awaited them, their motivations were not rooted in self-serving desires or the pursuit of glory, but in love. Their goal is to create new heavens and a new earth characterised by righteousness. Therefore, they desire nothing more than to dwell among the people in an environment of peace, prosperity, and harmony.
The church has, unfortunately, utilised the promise of heaven as an incentive for individuals to convert to Christianity or to engage in various ministries. Many are declaring, “Come and be saved!” focusing on personal salvation through “faith” without necessitating a true transformation of the heart towards love and truth. As a result, the church is populated by individuals who are driven by the allure of heaven rather than by a sincere love for others. In contrast, Jesus did not invite people to follow Him solely to avoid hell and enter heaven. Rather, He called out, “Follow Me!” directing them towards a life characterised by selfless commitment to God and to others.
Nonetheless, there exists a reward that we can all strive for, which is God Himself. The LORD spoke to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” (Genesis 15:1). And in Colossians 1:27, Paul said, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” This signifies that the Spirit of authority, wisdom, and love are bestowed upon us as a reward, enabling us to serve others more effectively.
Therefore, our lives should not be driven by the allure of rewards, but by Christ, who empowers us to carry out the works He performed and even greater ones (see John 14:12).
Cultivate the habit of examining your intentions in every action you undertake. Consider whether your motivations stem from love and truth. Additionally, seek guidance from the Lord to gain clarity on your calling and to make the most of the resources that God has entrusted to you.
Dear Lord, I desire to embody your qualities in every way. I desire to participate in your mission to bring forth new heavens and a new earth characterised by righteousness. Purify my heart of my self-serving desires. Grant me wisdom to make the most of the resources that you have entrusted to me. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.