Romans 3:1-2 The divine benefits of a believer comes through faith in Christ
A summary of last week’s devotions…
In our previous devotions, Paul laid down the following premises:
a. The root causes of evil and injustice in this world are man’s disrespect and ingratitude towards God. The problems that societies face today are largely due to man’s disrespect towards one another and the laws of the nation. Many are given to complaining of not having enough, being ungrateful for the things they possess.
b. Having the knowledge of God’s word and being a member of the church do not justify us on the day of judgment. It is the motives of our heart and our works that justify or penalise us. Therefore, God judges churchgoers and non-churchgoers with the same criterion, which is the posture of the heart and the works that flow from it. He rewards those who seek God, to do His will and penalises those who do evil.
c. The marks of a true Christian is found in his heart and his attitude towards God and others. The mark of a Christian is not defined by the adequacy of his biblical knowledge, his baptism or his religious disciplines, but by the posture of his heart. A true follower of Jesus will most certainly seek God and obey His commandments. One’s baptism, knowledge and spiritual disciplines are only useful if they cause him to grow in godliness and love.
Romans 3:1-2 All the benefits of a believer comes through faith in Christ.
Then what advantage has the Jew? Or what is the benefit of circumcision? Great in every respect. First of all, that they were entrusted with the oracles of God.
Paul responds to the objections that some of his readers may have concerning what he taught in Romans 2. He accuses the Jews for the same things the Gentiles are guilty of. And they will likewise be judged unless they repent. If that being so, what benefit does the Jews have over the Gentiles? Indeed, the Jews have the privilege of authoring and administrating the Law that points to the way of righteousness and prosperity. However, that divine privilege (of being stewards of the Law) does not immunise them from the judgement of the Law. He will reward those who do good and penalise those who do evil. Christians (like the Jews) have the privilege of being stewards of the bible. Unless believers live out the truth by exercising faith in Christ, we will be judged as sinners. Today’s devotion teaches: All the benefits of a believer comes through faith in Christ.
Paul exclaims that the advantages of being a Jew are great in every respect. The oracles of God are God’s utterances or revelations to His people. Thus, the oracles of God are inaugurated by the covenant (of circumcision)that was first given to Abraham. Since then, the oracles of God continue to provide revelations to His people so that they may be perfected to exercise dominion over creation. That said, the ultimate Oracle of God is Jesus who came in the flesh to show us the way to seat with the Father at His throne. And later, He came in the Spirit into the believer to enable Him to live the life that is worthy to seat with the Father and rule with Him. Today, the oracles of God continues to show us how we should relate with God, with one another, to know the future and to solve daily problems. For the Jew, it is through circumcision that the oracles of God is given to them. For the non-Jews, it is through the baptism of the Spirit that the oracles of the Spirit is given to the individual.
The divine benefits of a believer comes through faith in Christ.
The Law is comes from the oracles of God given to Moses. By itself, the Law cannot bring blessing to the reader. However, the Law functions as a map or a bridge which brings the reader to Christ who is the Oracle of God. The Jews prided themselves as being stewards of the Law but yet they refused to meet with Christ, the Oracle and Messiah. Therefore, the ultimate purpose of the Law is to lead the reader to hear the oracles or words of Christ to obey Him.
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. Romans 10:17
The Law or scriptures by itself does not produce faith to bring life. But when we converse directly with Christ, we have fellowship with Him resulting in faith and abundant life. Noah receive the oracles of God telling him to build a boat to save His family. Abraham receive the oracles of God telling him to leave his home town to go to the promised land. These men experienced became great not because of some scripture they have read, but they received directly the oracles of God and obeyed Him. Therefore, God’s people must seek not just to understand scripture, but more so the oracles of God through which we have faith to live abundantly.
What is the purpose of baptism and circumcision?
The covenant of baptism (for the Gentile) is likened to that of circumcision (for the Jew) for it ratifies the Father-Son relationship with God. It is also likened to a marriage covenant after a period of courtship. As the mark of circumcision is irreversible, our baptismal covenant with God remains in full effect as long as we continue to acknowledge Christ as Lord of our life. Baptism is a covenant that flows from our truthful acknowledgement of God as Lord and Saviour. For one who is baptised, God guides and predetermines His path towards eternal life. Jesus cites His own baptism as fulfilling the righteous requirement of being the Son of God.
After being baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and lighting on Him, and behold, a voice out of the heavens said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased.” – Matthew 3:16-17
After Jesus was baptised, the Holy Spirit immediately anointed Him with divine authority as God’s Son. Likewise, believers who follow in Jesus’s footsteps will be baptised by the Spirit to receive the oracles of God. Here, believers will have access to God to receive wisdom to solve complex problems, to discern the motives of different people and to know the future.
What if some are baptised but yet continue to sin against God?
Baptism is meaningful only when there is genuine faith resulting in regeneration of the heart. But if one got himself baptised and continue to live a sinful life, he is considered as doing the “works of the Law“. Paul said,
So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? – Galatians 3:5
“Works of the Law” refers to acts of conforming to the Law without genuine repentance towards God. Here, Paul correct the believers for entertaining false teachings purporting that circumcision by itself (works of the Law) brings benefits and blessings. Indeed, it is only through faith (genuine repentance) will Christ provide His Spirit to indwell us. The Spirit that works miracles among us comes not through works of the Law (hypocritical acts of water baptism, worship or self-centred prayers), but through faith (genuine repentance).
Sadly, many are still in bondage because they love themselves and the world more than God. And they are more concerned for their personal well-being than for others.
Therefore, a Jew must not trust in circumcision, or should a Christian trust in baptism. But all must put their trust in Christ and obey Him. And Christ will anoint them with the Holy Spirit.
1. Write on paper a list of benefits that you have experienced as a believer of Jesus Christ and thank God for them.
2. Cherish the Word by reading it daily while protect your mind from false teachings that will rob you of your blessing. List down some of the teachings that you think that you should guard yourself against.
Dear Lord, I thank you for all the benefits I received because of my faith in you. I remember my covenant with you as God’s son through my baptism. I am committed to walk in your ways and fulfil the divine call. Reveal to me the specific details of my mission as you did for Christ. Use me to bring peace and salvation to the people at my workplace and community. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.