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Exodus 2:1-10 If we do our part, God will do His

In the thick of despair and utter hopelessness, God is actively working out His plan for Israel’s deliverance. The working out of God’s salvation requires the partnership of faithful, compassionate...

October 19, 2018
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How do we discern the hearts of people?

  Many people readily share their lives with others without discernment and proper boundaries. As a result, they suffer undue hurts and losses under unscrupulous associates. How do we discern...

October 15, 2018
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Godliness or Christ-likeness (Point 4/5)

  Godliness or Christ-likeness (Point 4/5) 4. Believers must touch people through their physical needs. On the day of Judgment, God judges one’s heart and not his religious affiliation. Jesus...

October 04, 2018

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