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Every Person Is A Diamond In The Wild
Every believer possesses gifts that are needed for the growth of God’s kingdom. However, not everyone’s countenance standout from the crowd, and their gifts may not be immediately apparent at...
Every believer possesses gifts that are needed for the growth of God’s kingdom. However, not everyone’s countenance standout from the crowd, and their gifts may not be immediately apparent at...
Paul, having warned Timothy of the difficult times and the judgment to come, charges Timothy preach the word and save as many as he can. For there will come a...
Leaders are those who are able to stay the course in the face of great odds. The true strength of a leader is revealed in the way he responds in...
Do not despair when people are unfaithful to us, for God will raise up others in their place When Reuben, Simeon and Levi despised their calling and turned from...
The persecutions that Paul encountered predominantly came from people within the church: those who hold _ to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power._ (v3:5). Threatened by...
Is your life constantly encircling your work, your family and your social activities? Is your cell group or church inward looking, with programmes that focuses on satisfying the members’...
The events leading to the crucifixion culminates at the tearing of the veil. The tearing of the temple veil that separated the holy presence of God and the place where the...
When Moses and the people of Reuben and Gad having seen the rich pastures of the east side of River Jordan SELFISHLY said to Moses, “If we have found favor...
Luke 23:33-43 The only way to destroy the works of the devil is not to hate, but to practice mercy 33 When they came to the place called The Skull,...
The desire to know God is the greatest gift anyone could have. This inner desire is not something that can be taught, but it is birth out of the ability...