Exodus 7:8-13 Believers must use power not to destroy but to reveal the glory of God

Exodus 7:8-13 Believers must use power not to destroy but to reveal the glory of God

Now the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, “When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, ‘ Work a miracle,’ then you shall say to Aaron, ‘Take your staff and throw it down before Pharaoh, that it may become a serpent.’” So Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh, and thus they did just as the Lord had commanded; and Aaron threw his staff down before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. Then Pharaoh also called for the wise men and the sorcerers, and they also, the magicians of Egypt, did the same with their secret arts. For each one threw down his staff and they turned into serpents. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs. Yet Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he did not listen to them, as the Lord had said.


Moses was severely outnumbered by the Pharaoh’s magicians, wise men and sorcerers. Moreover, he was a greenhorn in the field of the supernatural. However, he remained steadfast in the Lord and proved himself supremely by taking out all the staffs of the magicians. Thus, Moses commanded great respect among the Egyptians because he worked the Lord’s power in righteousness and wisdom. And that gave Moses the upper hand to perform the cosmic miracles that glorified the Lord. Today’s devotion teaches us: Believers must use power not to destroy but to reveal the glory of God.


The duel of serpents morphed from staffs seemed to be the de facto standard in those days through which the powers of magicians and their gods were assessed. By engaging in the duel of staffs, magicians and sorcerers pit their powers against one another. The Pharaoh had intended to use the meeting to belittle Moses and to intimidate him. But Moses, in the face of Pharaoh’s army of wise men, magicians and sorcerers proved himself supremely by taking out all their staffs. However, that by no means softened the Pharaoh’s heart. He hardened himself and went deeper into the secret arts evidenced by the attempted replication of Moses’s subsequent miracles.


Believers must not shrink back, but be steadfast in the face of intimidation.

If Moses had not strengthened himself and scored the initial victory, he would not have gained the upper hand to accomplish the mission. And although, Moses was severely outnumbered, he remained steadfast bringing forth the power of the Lord with ease.

Today, the people of the world are continually assessing one another’s abilities and posturing to gain the upper hand. Many are out to intimidate and oppress those who are weaker. Although, the secret arts of morphing staffs and dueling serpents have since been outlawed by God, their powers continue to work albeit in more subtle forms. Many are not aware that the devil is using them in company meeting rooms, families and courts of governments to oppress the helpless. The spirit of the world endeavours to oppress the children of God as they did in the days of Moses. They do that through intimidation and mind control aided by evil spirits.

Therefore, Christians must never be taken in by external appearances, posturing, name dropping, bombastic words and threatening. Those who are insecure are accustomed to covering up their inadequacies through power dressing and pompous words. Therefore, we must be wise and steadfast in the face of intimidation and the power of God will be manifested through us.

Believers must use power not to destroy but to reveal the glory of God

Moses, having proven his supremacy in duel of staffs did not use power to destroy the Egyptians but to reveal the full glory of the Lord. The glory of the Lord is revealed when divine power is mixed with righteousness and wisdom. Power without righteousness and wisdom is demonic and destructive. If we are righteous and wise with a little power, then God will entrust more power to us to glorify Him.


Believers must maintain their moral standing and not be stained by greed and lust. The believer’s authority is founded on his moral standing. Therefore, we must be careful not to be angry, or to lose our composure doing things that we will later regret. The devil is familiar with each person’s weaknesses and will do all to exploit them. Once our fleshly instincts are aroused, we fall into their trap and lose the authority to fight. Because the battle is first fought in our minds, we must be vigilant to understand the devil’s devices. Jesus overcame the devil through righteousness: for He was righteous to forgive those who tortured Him without a cause. Moses was righteous and did not use his power to destroy the Egyptians but to reveal the glory of God at every instance. Therefore, we must gain the upper hand by exercising grace and self-control.


Believers must endeavour to understand God’s ways and directives under all circumstances. Many do not seek the Lord’s wisdom and directives on a daily basis. When intimidated, they make snap decisions to counter their opponents thinking that God is always on their side. In order to prosper, one must not only be righteous, he must also be wise. One can be free of evil intent, but yet foolish and compulsive in his ways. Thus, believers must be slow to act but be quick to seek divine wisdom. Moses entreated the Lord and sought divine wisdom throughout the course of the battle. And he prospered because he obeyed God’s directives to the tee. Proverbs say,

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight. – Proverbs 3:5-6

That said, believers must be valiant to destroy the spirits of darkness. It is by Christ’s authority that we charge over the angels to accomplish God’s work on earth. Many Christians will not take up the authority over the angels thinking that God will do that for them. And they wonder why they cannot arrive at the place of enduring prosperity and freedom.


Are you often intimidated by pompous words and by the appearance of strength? Do you often consider yourself as less able? Steady yourself in the Spirit and learn to draw strength and wisdom from Him. For you are from God, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world (see 1 John 4:4). Indeed, all the powers and wisdom of Christ are found in you.

Therefore, take up Christ’s authority and fight with righteousness and wisdom. You can begin by speaking up for yourself and for others. Restore righteousness and justice by pointing people to the rule of law. Do not be intimidated, for the Holy Spirit will give you the words to speak at the point of need (see Luke 12:12). Seek divine wisdom and obey His directives one day at a time. Send the angels to destroy the spirits of oppression, injustice, hate, greed, and covetousness in your workplace and community.

Dear God, thank you for making me your son and for entrusting me with the power of Christ. Help me hear your voice clearly so that I may learn wisdom. Sanctify my heart so that I may be righteous in all my endeavours. Anoint me with greater power so that I may help establish justice and righteousness in the world. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

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