Holy Spirit – Power to Change the World


Imagine a world without conflict, without borders, without sorrow and without poverty or disease. Imagine every man and woman being able to visualize their future and having the confidence to fulfill their dreams and people of different nationalities and cultures living in harmony, and prospering in the fruits of their labor. This is the Kingdom of God where no plagues, or diseases can fester.

Many great men have tried changing the world using physical might and economic power, but their efforts are short-lived. Conflicts in the Middle East and African continue to cost much suffering. The law of Moses did not bring lasting peace to Israel and the surrounding nations. But in the New Covenant, however God changes the world by first putting His Spirit inside man and transforming his heart through love.

Since the coming of the Holy Spirit, every believer is now given the divine ability to live according to God’s laws – the law of love. Jesus said,

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27)

text extracted from Pastor Gabriel Chong Yew Chan’s sharing on Holy Spirit – Power to Change the World


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